


  • 更新时间2024-08-30
  • 版本
  • 授权
  • 语言简体中文

Cafe Dash Cooking Diner Game Unlimited gold is a unique operator's perspective to lead players into the fast-paced restaurant business business development game, you will start from the running of a small cafe, step by step to start your restaurant empire. The management links in the game are rich, including capital accumulation, staff management, customer satisfaction improvement, equipment upgrading and dish innovation. Especially by mixing Eastern and Western dishes, you can not only attract a variety of customers, but also continuously improve your cooking skills and service level.

Cafe Dash Cooking Diner Game Unlimited gold图片1

Story background:

In this game, players will take over a small cafe, through smart management and resource management, gradually expand the scale, the ultimate goal is to create a world-renowned food and beverage empire. You need to manage employees, ensure customer satisfaction, and constantly improve your menu to attract more customers. As the game progresses, you can upgrade your equipment, improve your service, and even try to creatively merge the Eastern and Western food cultures to attract more and more customers.

Cafe Dash Cooking Diner Game Unlimited gold图片2

Game Features:

1, players will start from a small cafe, gradually accumulate funds, expand your food empire.

2. Manage staff, meet customer needs, upgrade facilities, improve the taste of dishes, and create a diversified catering experience.

3. Strive to integrate various dishes and make the restaurant a meeting point of Eastern and Western cuisines.

Cafe Dash Cooking Diner Game Unlimited gold图片3

Game highlights:

1, in the fast-paced business, test the player's time management ability and strategic layout.

2, waiter, cashier and pet cat interaction, to provide customers with a full range of service experience.

3. European and American 2D cartoon style brings relaxed and pleasant visual enjoyment.

Xiao Bian comments:

1. Players need to be deeply involved in every operation of the restaurant to provide a deep business experience.

2. The setting of pet cats adds emotional value to the game and relieves customers' impatience.

3, the game characters cover different skin colors of the race, showing the diversity of culture.


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