


  • 更新时间2024-05-27
  • 版本
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  • 语言简体中文

Merge Three kingdoms Idle RPG mod apk latest version of the game you will become a commander, armed with a large army, mind the world. The game uses a unique two-headed cartoon painting style, each character is cute, but without losing the majesty and arrogance of The Three Kingdoms generals. During the battle, you can see Lv Bu brandishing a Fang Tian painted halberd and Zhao Yun riding a white horse, firing a single shot. And Guan Yu's green dragon crescent blade, but also in the battlefield to draw a cold light.

Merge Three Kingdoms Idle RPG mod apk latest version图片1

Game Features:

1. Summon the legends of The Three Kingdoms Period, from the brave Lv Bu to the resourceful Zhuge Liang, to form your dream team now.

2, you can use wisdom and strategy, command your troops to win on the battlefield, experience the pleasure of automatic combat.

3, even offline, your troops can continue to grow, placement system lets you easily upgrade, no need to be online all the time.

Merge Three Kingdoms Idle RPG mod apk latest version图片2

Advantages Highlights:

1, in this Three Kingdoms game, you have the opportunity to rewrite history, unify the world, and create your own legend.

2, the game has a wealth of characters, from Guan Yu to Zhao Yun, many three countries to recruit for you, each character has a unique skill and story.

3. Unique game painting style, the Korean cartoon style of two heads, combined with traditional Chinese elements, presents a unique visual experience.

Merge Three Kingdoms Idle RPG mod apk latest version图片3

Xiao Bian comments:

1, the combination of automatic combat and placement system, so that players can enjoy the game at the same time, but also easily manage their troops.

2. The placement system of this game allows you to grow the troops in the game even if you are busy in real life, and there is no need to be online all the time.

3, this game is not only a person's battle, you can also join the alliance, with other players to fight together, and enjoy the pleasure of conquering the world.

Merge Three Kingdoms Idle RPG mod apk latest version图片4


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